Zain Supports Tawjihi Students at KHCC For the Fifth Consecutive Year

Zain Supports Tawjihi Students at KHCC For the Fifth Consecutive Year

Amman, Jordan - January 2021 - Zain Jordan provided support for high school (Tawjihi) students in 2020, who are receiving treatment at the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) by donating laptops, and covering part of their university or vocational training center fees.

This contribution came as a continuation of Zain Jordan’s years-long partnership with the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC), wherein the company has contributed since 2016 to supporting 70 male and female students, further supporting the KHCF and KHCC’s mission of enabling students to continue their education while receiving treatment.

Mrs. Nisreen Qatamish, Director General of the KHCF, said: “We value the role of Zain over the years in providing school supplies to our students, and we are proud of the determination showed by our students, who hold on to their dreams despite all the challenges, and we are keen on our part to provide the appropriate academic environment that enables them to complete their education and succeed in building their future. "

Zain is one of the KHCF and KHCC’s largest supporters, through many programs and initiatives that fall within the company's support of the health sector, in addition to its support of the education sector in Jordan, which is one of the main sectors that Zain supports through its sustainable social responsibility programs and initiatives.