Publications and Scientific Research

The Cancer Control Office, through its Applied Research Unit, conducts research to provide scientific evidence that is beneficial to cancer and tobacco control on a local and regional scale. The research includes issues that concern both cancer patients and  other groups in the general community. 


Below is a list of the most prominent research conducted by the Cancer and Tobacco Control Office:

 Waterpipe health effects

  • Hawari FI, Obeidat NA, Abu Alhalawa M, AlBusaidi Z, Amara B, Baddar S, Elhabiby M, Elkholy H. Respiratory health and quality of life in young exclusive, habitual smokers – a comparison of waterpipe smokers, cigarette smokers and non-smokers. IJCOPD, August 2019. Volume 14 (pages 1813-1824).
  • The effect of habitual waterpipe tobacco smoking on pulmonary function and exercise capacity in young healthy males: A pilot study. Hawari FI, Obeidat NA, Ghonimat IM, Ayub HS, Dawahreh SS. Respir Med. 2017 Jan;122:71-75.
  • The acute effects of waterpipe smoking on lung function and exercise capacity in a pilot study of healthy participants. Hawari FI, Obeidat NA, Ayub H, Ghonimat I, Eissenberg T, Dawahrah S, Beano H. Inhal Toxicol. 2013 Aug;25(9):492-7.

Smoking cessation in cancer care

  • Hawari FI, Obeidat NA, Rimawi D, Jamal K. Smoking cessation care can translate to lower hazard of death in the short-run in cancer patients - a retrospective cohort study to demonstrate the value of smoking cessation services within the treatment phase of cancer. BMC Cancer 2019. 19, article number: 580.
  • Smoking cessation treatment and outcomes in medium to heavy cigarette smokers being treated for cancer in Jordan. Hawari FI, Obeidat NA, Ayub HS, Dawahrah SS, Hawari SF. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2013;14(11):6875-81.
  • Smoking abstinence rates and reasons for failure to quit smoking in cancer patients in Jordan. Hawari F, Obeidat N, Beano H, Dawahrah S, Al-Rimawi D, Ghonimat I. Respiration. 2012;83(3):233-8.  

Tobacco Dependence Treatment (TDT) training

  • Influencing readiness and intentions to offer tobacco dependence treatment through training: King Hussein Cancer Center and Global Bridges promoting an underutilized specialty in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Hawari FI, Bader RK, Obeidat NA, Ayub HS, Ghonimat IM, Hays JT, and Hurt RD. Journal of Smoking Cessation, 2016.
  • Jordan tobacco dependence treatment guidelines: rationale and development. Ayub H, Obeidat N, Leischow S, Glynn T, Hawari F. East Mediterr Health J. 2016 Feb 1;21(11):844-50.
  • Advancing Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: International collaboration for training and capacity-building. Hawari FI, Bader RK. Sultan Qaboos Univ Med J. 2014 Nov;14(4):e442-7. 

Public perceptions and practices relevant to cancer control

  • Reclaiming the value of pictorial health warning labels in Jordan. Obeidat NA, Al-Hadid M, Hatoqai AA, Shihab RA, Hawari FI. Tob Control. 2018 Sep;27(5):589-591.
  • Informing tobacco control policy in Jordan: assessing the effectiveness of pictorial warning labels on cigarette packs. Bader RK, Shihab RA, Al-Rimawi DH, Hawari FI. BMC Public Health. 2017 Aug 1;18(1):84. Erratum in: BMC Public Health. 2017 Sep 22;17 (1):736.
  • Public support for smoke-free policies in Jordan, a high tobacco burden country with weak implementation of policies: Status, opportunities, and challenges. Obeidat NA, Ayub HS, Bader RK, Shtaiwi AS, Shihab RA, Habashneh MA, Hawari FI. Glob Public Health. 2016 Dec;11(10):1246-1258.
  • Rethinking Anti-tobacco Health Education in an Eastern Mediterranean Country with Growing Tobacco Use. Obeidat N, Ayub H, Shtaiwi A, Hawari F. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2016;17(2):527-33.
  • Predictors of cigarette smoking across five countries: a cross sectional study. Abughosh S, Essien EJ, Hawari F, Peters RJ, Wang X, Almogbel Y, Yang M, Bhounsule P, Sansgiry S, I-Hsuan W. Journal of Behavioral Health 4 (1), 7-13, 2015. 2015.
  • Ethnicity and waterpipe smoking among US students. Abughosh S, Wu IH, Peters RJ, Hawari F, Essien EJ. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2012 Nov;16(11):1551-7.
  • Cancer-related knowledge, attitudes, and risk perception among 6 grade students in Jordan. Shihab RA, Obeidat NA, Bader RK, Shtaiwi A, Ayub A, Hawari FI. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012;172:155-60.
  • Cigarette smoking among Jordanian adults. Abughosh S, Wu IH, Hawari F, Peters RJ, Yang M, Crutchley R, Essien EJ. J Ethn Subst Abuse. 2012;11(2):101-12.
  • Waterpipe Smoking Among Jordanian Adults: Predictors and Correlates. Abughosh S, Yang M, Wu IH, Sansgiry S, Hawari F, Peters RJ, Essien EJ. Journal of Behavioral Health  2012;1(1):7-15.
  • Perceptions of young Jordanian adults to proposed anti-tobacco pictorial warning labels. Hawari FI, Bader RK, Beano HM, Obeidat NA, Ayub HS, Habashneh MA, Shtaiwi AS, Shihab RA, Madanat HN, Novotny TE. BMC Public Health. 2011 May 31;11:414.
  • Predictors of intention to quit cigarette smoking among Jordanian adults. Abughosh S, Wu IH, Hawari F, Peters RJ, Yang M, Crutchley R, Essien EJ. Epidemiol 2011, 1:103.

Policy-related research relevant to cancer control

  • Recommendations for the implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 14 on tobacco cessation support. Raw M, Ayo-Yusuf O, Chaloupka F, Fiore M, Glynn T, Hawari F, Mackay J, McNeill A, Reddy S. Addiction. 2017 Oct;112(10):1703-1708.
  • Coverage of tobacco control in Jordanian newspapers: implications for strengthening the role of news media. Bader RK, Shtaiwi AS, Shihab RA, Obeidat NA, Hawari FI. East Mediterr Health J. 2017 Jul 16;23(5):342-350.
  • Healthcare practitioner perceptions and practices relevant to cancer control
  • Are Jordanian primary healthcare practitioners fulfilling their potential in cancer prevention and community health? Findings from a cross-sectional survey. Obeidat NA, Habashneh MA, Shihab RA, Hawari FI. BMJ Open. 2017 Apr 7;7(4):e015269.
  • The Jordanian primary healthcare practitioner in cancer control. Obeidat NA, Hawari FI, Habashneh MA, Shihab RA. Prim Health Care Res Dev. 2017 May;18(3):261-269.
  • Smoking Cessation Support Among Oncology Practitioners in a Regional Cancer Center in the Middle East-Improving a Critical Service for Cancer Care. Obeidat NA, Ayub HS, Amarin R, Aburajab Altamimi B, Ghonimat I, Abughosh S, Hawari FI. Oncologist. 2016 Apr;21(4):503-5.
  • Educational Needs of Oncology Practitioners in a Regional Cancer Center in the Middle East-Improving the Content of Smoking Cessation Training Programs. Obeidat NA, Hawari FI, Amarin R, Altamimi BA, Ghonimat IM. J Cancer Educ. 2017 Dec;32(4):714-720.
  • Prescription of Cancer Treatment Modalities in Developing Countries: Results from a Multi-Centre Observational Study. Camacho R, Neves D, Piñeros M, Rosenblatt E, Burton R, Galán Y, Hawari F, Kilickap S, Naylor C, Nicula F, Reno J, Sirohi B, Vidaurre T, Zendehdel K. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2014, 5, 989-999.