Center for Research Administration and Training

Center for Research Administration and Training

This center is responsible for managing the processing of submitted research proposals to KHCC and providing support for its scientific approval. The center is also responsible for managing all research-related training activities.

Research Administration

The research administrator ensures that the submitted research applications are ready to be reviewed by the Scientific Committee (Research Council) and the Ethics Committee (Institutional Review Board) at KHCC.

If the application meets all the requirements and is approved, the principal investigator will be instructed to commence the research project and start collecting data.

For more information about research submission at KHCC, please go to the following links:

Investigator Handbook

Research Submission Process

Research Training

Specialized training courses related to research are held through this center, including but not limited to: scientific writing skills, biostatistics, and introduction to clinical research.  Full details of the research training courses to be announced.