KHCF & KHCC in Numbers – 2022

KHCF & KHCC in Numbers – 2022

The King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) celebrated the start of the new year by publishing their most prominent achievements during 2022. HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of KHCF and KHCC, commended the Center and its staff for continuing to serve 27,000 patients throughout the course of the year, while embracing 6,800 new patients from Jordan and across the Arab world.

KHCC witnessed numerous medical achievements during 2022, including the completion of 250 bone marrow transplants with success rates exceeding 85%, which is on par with international rates. Additionally, 33 advanced surgeries were performed utilizing a surgical robot that is the first of its kind in Jordan.

As part of KHCF’s strategic objective to support scientific research, the second round of the King Hussein Award for Cancer Research was launched and received 137 applications from researchers in 16 countries. A ceremony was held in November 2022 during which 7 Awardees were honored by HRH Prince Talal bin Muhammad. The ceremony was attended by more than 350 researchers and innovators from all over the world.

KHCF had continued successes in early detection and cancer prevention through various programs and campaigns throughout the year. The Jordan Breast Cancer Program (JBCP) encouraged women across Jordan to perform early detection examinations, resulting in more than 28,000 women having mammograms, as well as the equipping of 7 accredited mobile mammogram units with advanced technology. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of women and youth were reached with awareness messages about the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle to prevent cancer.

KHCF’s Cancer Care Insurance (CCI) program expanded by more than 30,000 new subscribers, bringing the total number of subscribers to over 200,000 individuals and corporate employees. Subscribers will benefit from exclusive immediate treatment at the Center in the event that they are diagnosed with cancer.

Thanks to KHCF and KHCC’s supporters, 789 underprivileged patients were able to begin treatment without delay and receive financial support for their treatment, accommodation, and transportation costs through KHCF’s Zakat and Goodwill funds.

The Foundation and Center were able to provide patients with extensive psychosocial support; 435 student patients continued their education without interruption through KHCF’s Back to School program, and KHCC’s Healing Garden was inaugurated to serve as a calm and peaceful space for patients and their families. Additionally, the wishes of 220 children were fulfilled through KHCF’s Dreams Come True Program.

As we enter 2023, we at KHCF/KHCC pledge to continue our efforts and aim to achieve even more successes. We are deeply grateful for the support we receive from our loyal donors and supporters who believe in our cause and who have continued to stand by our patients.