KHCF Holds Stories of Hope and Life Event

KHCF Holds Stories of Hope and Life Event

For the third year in a row, the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center organized an event for cancer survivors titled “Stories of Hope and Life" in which cancer survivors shared their experiences battling the disease. The session was held in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Her Royal Highness, and Dr. Asim Mansoor, Director  General of the Center and several cancer patients and their families.
This session dealt with the real life experiences of four brave people who fought the cancer battle.
Dr. Abdul Rahim shared his experience of being a parent of a child who suffered leukemia and how his daughter’s illness changed the course of the entire family’s life.
Jordan University student, Shorouq  Al Shams shared her experience of being diagnosed with cancer during her Tawjihi year and how her strong will and determination helped her fight the disease, overcome obstacles and get a good score on her exams.
As for Jarrah, a handsome young man who managed to captivate the audience with his inspiring story of survival as he managed to pursue his dreams in spite of the fact that he lost his leg to cancer.
Nasra, who works at the King Hussein Cancer Center, talked about how she fought her cancer though her sense of hope, faith and love for life.
Her Royal Highness Princess Ghida Talal said: "The King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center strives to organize these sessions on a regular basis because of the positive impact they make on the morale of the patients and their families.”
 She also added: "These sessions provide patients and their loved ones with answers to the many questions that go through their minds, whereas a lot of people are embarrassed to talk about the feelings and fears that they go through during their cancer treatment.”