HRH Princess Ghida Talal distributes gifts to pediatric patients at KHCC

Amman, December 2016: HRH Princess Ghida Talal, Chairperson of the King Hussein Cancer Foundation and Center, distributed gifts to all pediatric patients at the King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) in celebration of the holiday season, accompanied by HE Alaa Batayneh, CEO of Eagle Hills Jordan, the main sponsor of KHCF's "Dreams Come True" Program.
HRH Princess Ghida thanked Eagle Hills Jordan for its continuous support, and said: "Fulfilling our pediatric patients’ dreams and wishes is among our top priorities and has a significant impact on their recovery process. Seeing their smiles when their dreams come true is priceless".
HE Alaa Batayneh stated: “As the main sponsors of the ‘Dreams Come True’ Program, we at Eagle Hills Jordan are proud to offer our support to KHCF in the various activities and events it holds for children at KHCC. As always, we are happy to share special moments with these patients, allowing them all, especially this holiday season, to experience the true joy that comes as a result of the simple act of giving.”
The gift distribution ceremony was attended by Dr. Asem Mansour, KHCC’s Director General and Ms. Nisreen Qatamish, KHCF’s Director General.